Job Interview Tips
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Yet another blog post that is is here almost purely for me to reference in the future, let’s go.

Inspired by this Twitter thread by @rands[]

What do you want to do in your next job?

Depending on the difference between the two roles, this could be something very specific or very broad. If you’re looking to move from a software development role to another software development role, are you looking for a specific language, framework, etc? If however your looking to move to an analyst role, why is that what you want?

What are three things you excel at?

Three things you’re objectively good at and make them meaningful. Are you really good at automating processes? Own it. Are you the person people come to when their Excel document needs fixing? Awesome!

What are three things you struggle with?

“Caring too much” doesn’t count. Be honest with yourself, do you spend more time than you should dealing with emails? Do you easily get sidetracked by small issues that don’t need to be worked on?

What is an attribute of a prior manager that you admire?

This one should be fairly easy for most people, did they provide enough guidance? Did they set you up for success? Did they try to help you forward?

And what is an attribute of that manager that you didn’t admire?

Be kind but fair.

What is one thing you’d change about your current job?

That one project you wish you’d been able to work on, that one idea that was shelved. That technology that might have helped a project.

A co-curricular activity that makes you stand out from the crowd, a skill or talent that starts conversations. Perhaps even something in your past that speaks to your character.

What is one thing that you’d like to do in your next hob that you haven’t been able to do in your current job?

Very much dependant on the change you’re making and the role you’re applying for, but what do you want to do different, do better? Is there a personal process you want to improve for yourself? Do you want to be the change you want to see in the world?

Write it down

Write the answers to these questions down. Come back to them after a day, believe them, own them. Be comfortable with them, know who you are and what you want, then go and get what you want.